Joan Collier

Obituary of Joan Collier

It is with sadness we announce the death of our mother, Joan Marie Collier, 55 who passed away suddenly at her home in Hazel Glen on Saturday, November 25, 2023 .


Born on February 16, 1968,  in New Glasgow, she was a daughter of Lynn Marie (Connors) Collier and the late Michael "Jerome" Collier.


Joan will be dearly missed by her four children Joseph Fraser (Kelyn), Clarrissa Collier (Jake), Stephen Stewart (Raytell), and James Collier-Shakeness; son  by choice Colin Chapman;  dear friend and father to her children William Stephen Stewart and her grandchildren Alexis, Christian, Anna-Mae, Violet, Ty and Edith.


 She will also is survived by her mother,  Lynn Marie as well as her siblings Rose Collier- Lawrence (Darrell), Stacey Collier and Mike Collier (Paula) and her many nieces and nephews.


Joan was predeceased by her father Michael “Jerome” Collier and brother Terrance Neil Connors.


Her jokes would make a sailor blush, laugh as warm as the suns touch, heart and mind an open book, perseverance to march through life as though Heaven and Hell couldn’t take her. The strongest kind natured soul.


A private family visitation will be held. A public gathering  to celebrate Joan's life will take place on Thursday, Nov. 30,  at 4 pm  at the Whitetail Pub , Westville.   

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